2009年4月27日 星期一

Queen of Pentacles

Following from the note Page of Cups Reversed, my next question for Tarot was on what I should do with all those JAVASCRIPT, PHP, MYSQL things if I have been expecting too much. And what the Tarot answered was actually immediate - it was a QUEEN OF PENTACLES, which one of the meanings is to quit all kinds of fuzzings and elaborated plans, and simply actually work on the problem in a down-to-earth manner.

Another meaning of Queen of Pentacles is prosperity. As mentioned in the note for Ace of Wands Reversed, I have been working on a teenager's group for a local legislator but yet I suffered setback. At one point of the process, I have approached Tarot and I have received this card. To me, it suggested that the final prosperity of the group will come though I have to wait. Just keep on doing your part of work (meaning from above) and the outcome will take care of itself. I may have to wait but what will come, will come.

(All Tarot cards mentioned in this blog are from the RW Tarot deck unless otherwise specified.)

