Following from the note Page of Cups Reversed, my next question for Tarot was on what I should do with all those JAVASCRIPT, PHP, MYSQL things if I have been expecting too much. And what the Tarot answered was actually immediate - it was a QUEEN OF PENTACLES, which one of the meanings is to quit all kinds of fuzzings and elaborated plans, and simply actually work on the problem in a down-to-earth manner.
Another meaning of Queen of Pentacles is prosperity. As mentioned in the note for Ace of Wands Reversed, I have been working on a teenager's group for a local legislator but yet I suffered setback. At one point of the process, I have approached Tarot and I have received this card. To me, it suggested that the final prosperity of the group will come though I have to wait. Just keep on doing your part of work (meaning from above) and the outcome will take care of itself. I may have to wait but what will come, will come.
(All Tarot cards mentioned in this blog are from the RW Tarot deck unless otherwise specified.)
Another meaning of Queen of Pentacles is prosperity. As mentioned in the note for Ace of Wands Reversed, I have been working on a teenager's group for a local legislator but yet I suffered setback. At one point of the process, I have approached Tarot and I have received this card. To me, it suggested that the final prosperity of the group will come though I have to wait. Just keep on doing your part of work (meaning from above) and the outcome will take care of itself. I may have to wait but what will come, will come.
(All Tarot cards mentioned in this blog are from the RW Tarot deck unless otherwise specified.)