2009年6月28日 星期日

King of Cups Reversed

King of Cups Reversed appears to suggest corruption and dishonesty. In my last note on Five of Wands Reversed I mentioned how a friend of mine talk in nasty tones which he actually didn't mean any harm such that I felt uncomfortable in sharing my sadness and difficulties with him. Where will I be if I shall allow this situation to last? King of Cups Reversed at the Possible Outcome position suggests that dishonesty (or a lack of sincere communication as I will adapt in this case) will be resulted if I am not doing anything for it.
In another case, when friends around seems to be abandoning me one by one, I have a special concern over those friends who are staying behind with me. In a Celtic spread that I did on the relationship between me and another close friend of mine the King of Cups Reversed showed up at the Hope and Fear position demonstrating that I fear the possible deterioration of my close relationships with others.

